
A Shoppin' We Will Go...

Of course, it's allllllll for Peanut! But you know what? It was still fun!

Thanks to the generosity of Gramy-Jo and Dadu, Saturday was Peanut shoppin'! We were able to get the stroller/carseat combo thingy-a-ma-bob-doo-hicky-what-cha-ma-call-it with the extra base for my news truck. (Wouldn't that be funny? Breakin' news and I'm rollin' to it with Peanut chillin' in the back! Hmm... maybe I could get the kid to hold the mic during the interviews?) We also gots a travel play-pen fir all sort of doo-dads attached to it for the kids entertainment. And finally a Daddy diaper bag for your truely. Well yeah, I gots to be fly when I'm out pimpin' my kid around town! Sorry, I won't do that again... forgot I'm white! All that was a Baby's-r-Us before it was to Old Navy for a ton of baby clothes for the new squirt. And I gots to say, this kid is gonna be stylin' when it's out and about!

Some friends of ours had their baby Friday morning and were in church on Sunday with the newest addition! We met up with them later on Sunday were we gots to hold the tiny kiddo, and I mean tiny! She was 7 lbs. + but was so small and wrinkly and cute! The kid was nice and comfy in Zippy's arms where it could rest on her belly (I'm sure Peanut was wondering what was goin' on out there!) and use her fun pillows as... well... pillows! Zippy looked very natural and comfortable holding the little person. I guess I did to as Zippy was snapping a bunch of pics of me with the squirt. It really was amazing to hold that baby.

And just think, in 9 weeks I'll be holding my child in my arms for the first time...


I Really Be Slackin'...

And then some! Abouts a month since I posted last?! Wow... I'm at a loss as for why it's been so long so I won't even try to defend myself!

'K... Buh-bye now!

Oh fer cryin' out loud! I'm kiddin'! That's what I do! Anyhoo... I do have some catchin' up to do don't I?! Well, lets see if I can even remember what's happened in the past month... Hmm...

Update on my pops? Of course. It's day to day with him - hell, it's hour to hour sometimes. Last I spoke to him he sounded great, like his ol' normal self. He said that he didn't have any stomach gurgles (I guess the chemo does that to him...) and was able to keep food down. Which is always a good thing. Mom's told me what it is that Dad has, but for bootin' up cold, I can't remember it. It does have the words "Acute" and "Leukemia" in it but that's all I can crank out of my head right now. Just keep prayin' for him.

Mom's holdin' up as well as can be expected in this situation. Granted, she went through it back in '94 but she had Drew and I there to help out. Drew is down the road a bit but it's harder, I imagine, now for her. She's still stayin' strong though and that's one of the things I've admired about her. Prayers for her too. At least she's not workin' down at the center anymore. That's one less stress that she has to worry about.

Zippy is ready for this pregnancy to be over with! She loves the feeling of Peanut moving around in her most of the time, except when it gets up into her ribs and bangs around on 'em like a xylophone! She has the usual aches and pains that comes with the pregnancy but is musclin' through. She's less than 10 weeks out now and I'm kinda surprised that she doesn't have it down to the day yet! Now that I say that and as soon as she reads this...

Me? I'm keeping busy at work for sure. I was on the road for a week with our main weather guy doing a fun "Look what's around Utah..." type of deal for the station. Now the Jazz are in the playoffs (but not for much longer me thinks...) and we're doing just about every angle on that. In fact, I'm working for the San Antonio CBS affiliate tonight and Monday night regarding this silly playoff... thing. Whatever.

We have a new living room now too. (Too? Did we get something else new that I wasn't aware of? Hmm... I need to check our accounts and see how much Zippy really spent at Ikea... Wow. That was a tangent!) We tore out that nasty carpet (like you know what it looked like...) and put in wood laminate with the help of her brother. Painted the walls, new trim around everything, painted the front door and wired up the place for a central light fixture. All in 4 days. Whew! We were beat to say the least after that weekend. But it's worth it. Especially watching Roxy tear into the room and slide all over the place trying to stop or turn or whatever! Makes for some great laughs! I'll have to tape one of her episodes and post it on here to show the world... or those few who read this.

Speaking of posting video here, I might be posting some pics in the previous posts to add to this blog. Right now, I just don't think it's very... eye catching. Plus, it'll make for more interesting reads, I hope!