
Happy Birthday Football!

Yup, my little boy is 1.  One.  Uno.

And he IS a Transformer after all!  (So's his brother but this is Football's birthday!)  From this...

...into this...

  Wonder what he'll change into next?  Tell you what, don't tell me and lemme just enjoy my little boy today.  This ain't gonna last and I'd love to sit back and laugh with this little Football!  Happy birthday kiddo...



The "Grub" Liveth...

...and how! Uncle Drew would... should... no, might(?!) be proud.


Yeah.  Forget the bath, we're takin' him out back and hosing the kid off.
Dadu, who is up there on his cloud, laughing his tail off at his grandson, used to tell me, when I had braces and just ate me some killer BBQ ribs that:
"You look like the grill plate of a '57 Buick that just went through a herd of deer!"

So, here's to Uncle Drew and Dadu... much love fellas.

"Eeeet eeez aaahhhh-lliiivvee!!!"


The Year of Firsts...

...seems to be the hardest, no matter the situation. From the first kid, second or *shudder* third to your first death in the family and everything in between is just... hard.

It's hard to experience first hand because no matter how much you read, or talk about to others or whatever, nothing can prepare you for... it. Getting stuff in and wondering if you have everything, going through and moving stuff out wondering if you should save this and not that or vice versa. But the hardest is the emotional weight that comes. Although it does seem to get easier with time it's still a hell of a ride.

We've done the kid thing already. Twice. (Hence the kid pics on the right... duh.) Neither year was cake with either of 'em. Hell, the second year seems to be a bit worse with all the whining and tantrums and "NOO! MINE!!" Good grief...

What I'm getting at, really, is the death of my Dad back in May. We're almost to that year anniversary of May 4th but just a few days ago would've been his 60th birthday. I kept having to remind myself that there was no one to call and wish a happy birthday anymore. That kinda sucked. So did, what would've been, Mom and Dad's 38th anniversary in June. Christmas was bittersweet. (Man... I'm sittin' here typing this and tearing up just thinking about it all.) May 4th, 5:00pm, will probably be tough too.

I miss my Dad. I can't wait to see and hug him again.

Especially that "first year".


"Once In A While"...

...lately, is starting to sound more and more like "More often than not..."

With everything.

And, on top of that, or because of it, it seems that, well, life isn't just hard. It's down right impossible. To stay sane. To keep from running away screaming at the top of my lungs while pulling out my hair and swinging a sledge hammer at anyone, or anything that wanders a bit to close.

I'll be honest: this sucks.

*GASP* "How could you say such a thing?!" Oh get over yourself. It's called life. I challenge you to find some other family that has only had sparkly, smiling rainbows coming out of their posterior. Fact: life IS hard. Although every other blog out there would have you think otherwise, this one, MINE, isn't always gonna be full of sparkly, smiling rainbows.

This is one of those times. We all need to rant once in a while and it's my turn.

The biggest catalyst of all this? The two smallest things in my life right now.

Sure, the kids can be great. They can be a lot of fun and laughs as they dive into pillows or sing "ABC's" or walk in with a handful of poop to put in the potty or push their walker around giggling or... you get the idea. They can be but they also can not be. And right now, it seems that, "More often than not..." they aren't.

Instead of focusing on the positives, I'm too busy focusing on the negatives: the whining, the crying, the tantrums, the middle-of-the-night spells, the "NO! MINE!" or "Hooold ju!"s, the "I drop it, you pick it up." games, repeating the same phrase eleventy-seven times, blah blah blah. Over and over and over and over again. WHEN DOES IT STOP?! DOES IT EVER STOP?!?!

Look, I love my kids. I'd die for them. They do make me laugh and all. But, despite what you think, they are *gasp* not always little angels. I, again, challenge you to find a kid that's full of sparkly, smiling rainbows. I'll even go so far as to say that JC himself wasn't either when he was this old.

Then, if we go out or have people over or whatever, we have to put on our smiley mask, act as if everything's just dandy and pleasantly say the biggest problem we face is Futbol making butt-clouds with the baby powder. And the other people just smile and say crap like "Oh my sweetbabyangelsugarbunsscmoopeypoohoneyface..." Gag me. That act is more phony than Pamela Anderson. Besides, chances are their kid was featured in a lost episode of Mike Rowe's "Dirty Jobs", so what the hell are they smiling at?!

I know how most people look forward to the weekends. I used to always be that way too. Now, it seems "More often than not..." I look forward to Mondays. To go to work to escape the kids. Weird huh?! But then, inevitably, I start feeling guilty for Zippy cause she doesn't get that escape. "More often than not..." I come home and she looks like a patient from Arkham.

Don't tell me "It's hard now, but it'll get better." or "Hang in there, you're doing great." or "Welcome to parenthood!" or anything. I know all that already but I just don't wanna hear it right now. YOU listen to ME. I just want a place to rant for a second and get this off my chest.

Sometimes I miss our pre-kids life.

*sigh* I need a nap, or a stiff drink... or a bungalow on Mars.


So Many Things...

...and so little patience to get it all down on pap- wait, keybo- no, um... here. But where to start? At the beginning? I really could smack someone for that cliche.

My father dying? Yeah, that's kind of a difficult one for me. I'll get to that when I get the... courage to bare myself to all... um... two of you. It'll come, and when it does, I might find that it brings a sense of... peace? Maybe.

The family? Well, sure. But I find that if I don't keep blogging (what a stupid word really) about them I get so far behind. Huh, I'm detecting a theme with this blog. And you'll hear about them soon enough. And plenty of 'em too!

Work? Ohhhh Lord. It's really not ALL bad, but keeping in tradition with most people who work I would have to b!tch about it to show all of... the two of you... my "suffering". Puh-lease. Look, I may vent a time or two *cough*hundred*cough* but I DO actually like my career. I get paid to run around with a cool camera in a free car and take video of everything. There's gotta be something good in there.

Pet peeves? That's gonna be a fun one! I'll throw a few of those out too.

Life? Well, duh.

"Sounds great. When?" Ummm... next post. Promise.

Crap... now I gotta stick to it. *cracking knuckles*