
New Year's Resolutions...

...are crap really. But they're implied with our best intentions.

So, what are mine? Oh hell...

I'd like to get back to this blog and "start over". Re-vamp it a bit, aimed more at, selfishly, me. Zippy's got her own blog so why can't I?! So there. Nyah.

I'd like to lose a few pounds and get down in the 190's again. The holiday's have been cruel. So have the kids, at times.

I'd like to find that passion I once had for my job. There ARE good points to my job, really.

And I'd like to be happy. Let the small things go and not let them get under my skin so much. Take a deep breath and smile once in a while!

I'm sure there's more that I could resolve to... resol... whatever. But since I've never been good at keeping resolutions, I oughta start off small. These seem reasonable, for now.

Here's hoping that 2010 is a hell of a lot better than '09.