
A lot can happen...

...in 6 months.

So why haven't I written about ANY of it?

I have no idea. Really. Maybe I'll do something about that in the next few days...

Emphasis on "Maybe..."


A Different View...

...of life, I think, is completely unavoidable and very necessary once you achieve parenthood.

During my single days, all I really saw was a need for work, Totino's pizzas, XBox and indoor soccer. Occasionally I'd see a cute, young lady and a bit of flirtation would ensue. I'd see the "need" for a Transformer on eBay (Hey, I got Optimus Prime for a good price!) and my checking account would see a good sized hit.

But now I'm a parent, and I see things... differently. How can you not?!

I write this while my little Bud sleeps, all wrapped up and warm, next to me on the couch; totally at peace and totally oblivious to the world around him. Meantime, Dude is just waking up from a nap; ready to take on whatever challenge comes his way with a curious innocence you just have to admire.

Just livin' life:

Bud's hangin' out...

...while Dude gets his first hair cut! He kept seeing his hair fall into his lap and would wail "Nnneewwwww!"

Lookin' at pics with Momma...

...and readin' with Uncle S

A brand new swing set, known as "Fort Fun" is erected...

...which is sure to bring hours of fun for Dude, Bud and all their little friends!

Oh, sure, there's days of whining, crying, sleepless nights and dirty diapers the size of your head. But there's days of running, tickling and laughing hysterically. And then there's times like now: Bud waking up to be feed by Zippy (before he goes back to sleep...) as Dude and I feed each other goldfish crackers while watching basketball, followed by pillow diving, bouncing on Roxy and building towers with legos. That's just a peek at our life.

They way I see it, I'm OK with that.


A Growing Family...

...makes it through the first week!

It was fun having a whole week off work to help Zippy with the kids. Woah... kids. Plural. That is so weird! Zippy and I practically forgot what it's like to have a newborn in the house again: the sleepless nights, the "loads" of diapers, the oh so fuzzy soft skin, the random flailing and best of all? That newborn smell! *snnnniiiifffff* Aaaahhhh!

One washes the kid...

...while the other snuggles the kid!

The best part of the week was watching Dude meet and interact, as much as one can with a newborn, with Bud. We wonder if Dude has any sort of understanding of what's going on with this small, sleeping and sometimes loud... thing. He has his moments that we expected (wanting up when Zippy's feeding Bud is the most common) would come, but he really doesn't seem fazed by the new addition. So far, that's a question answered for us: Dude is gonna make a great big

...until Bud starts moving around and getting into all the toys.

Yaaayyy... share time!


"Everything Changes..."

That's what a friend told me years ago before Zippy and I got married. Was it a warning? Words of advice? Or simply a conversation, or blog, starter? Regardless of what his intention was at the time, I really didn't pay it too much attention. The funny thing is is that I haven't forgotten about those two words since they were said. And lately, I find myself thinking about them more.

I've lived in Utah for 8+ years now. But in the past 5 years I met the woman of my dreams and married her, a few months later we bought a house and adopted Roxy in the same weekend. A little while later we sold our car and bought a new/used one that was the nicest either of us had owned. The "joys" of home ownership then filled our weekends with framing, mudding, painting, weeding, plumbing, mowing, washing, vacuuming, etc. when, eventually, Zippy informed me that "We're pregnant!"


"Everything changes..."

Perhaps the biggest and most mind numbing ingredient to be poured into our lives to date. On top of the aforementioned, we (and I really mean Zippy...) now read scores of books about mother/fatherhood and breastfeeding and our first pregnancy and *inhale* child proofing and car seats and poopy diapers and so on and so fifth. Then the day came when I looked into Zippy's weary eyes and told her "It's a boy!"

"Everything changes..."

The first child is so nerve wracking. My mind was racing with thoughts and fears about what kind of father I'm gonna be, what kind of mistakes we're gonna make, playtime, bathtime, disciplining him, protecting him, teaching him and loving him. Those last two are the ones that keep rattling around in my head becuase, while I try to convey those thoughts and feelings towards him, he does so towards me in return. Naturally and without hesitation.

That was, was, such a foriegn concept to me. Now I sit here watching Bud sleep in his swing and think to myself that while some fears may still be there, there is no hesitation. Instead, there's a growing sense of confidence. One of which I've never experienced before.

We've been given the task... no, privilege of raising these two precious lives. To shape them, teach them, laugh and cry with them, protect and love them as best we can. How awesome is that?!

"Everything changes..."

Truer words were never spoken.


Dude has...

...a little brother!

Bud came into this world at 910p, weighing in at 8 lb 0.8 oz. and measured 20" long. Zippy was in labor for about 13 hours, but only pushed about 4 or 5 times! Once things got going, things went quick!

Cute little Bud huh?! Now we've got 2/11's of our future soccer team!

Well, it's late. 1245a to be exact. Zippy's sleeping and so's Bud. I better get some ZZZ's too.

Today's The Day...

...that we finally get to meet the fetus! (Charming aren't I?!)

Silly woman was up real early this morning (5a fer cryin' out loud!) saying "...it feels like Christmas Eve night! I'm so anxious to get going!"

I'm looking at Jen trying to adjust in the bed and get comfortable despite the web of IV lines and monitor cables. I feel sorry for her for what she's gonna go through in the coming hours, but I also feel relieved that she'll finally be able to, eventually, get her body back. 9 months is certainly a long time!

The delivery room is huge and very nice, and it should be 'cause the hospital remodeled practically the entire floor! We both joked that we should have our small group over and have a party here... there's enough room for everyone! Key word: joked.

Kinda gettin' excited... it's gonna be awesome to have this little person curled up and napping on my chest!

Next post: BABY!


Ride 'em...

...uh... dog-boy?!

Uh huh. A boy and his dawg...

Oh settle down, whether you're laughing or freaking out! It looks worse than it really was. Although he did have a small bruise on his forehead for a day or two...

Dude just loves to dive on, well, anything really. Pillows, blankets, the couch, Zippy's preggo belly or the dog. You name it, he'll dive on it!

Why? 'Cause it's there!

Although Roxy had had enough of that and decided to not be there! We laughed as we comforted our fallen bareback rider while the dog triumphantly trotted off to the warm confines of her bed and settled in for the night. It probably won't be the first time this happens...

And Zippy is still preggo. We go in to the doctor's tomorrow morning to hold him at gunpoint until he induces her. Or at least give her something to get the process going sooner than later.

We will not be waiting 10 days again...

...although the antics of Dude and Roxy will certainly entertain us!


Just Short...

...of the one year mark since I last posted something, well, anything on this blog!

I figure I spend so much time "Facebooking" that I could probably squeeze a few minutes inbetween SpaceFight!s to throw on a post about the fam on this thing... right?!

S'ok? S'ah'ight... So here goes.

An update over the past year...

Zippy and I are expecting our second kid (didn't find out the sex again!) in about a week and it seems like time's just drrrraaaaaggggiiinnnnggg. She's done with being pregnant and doing everything she can, short of pulling the kid out of herself, to induce labor. A couple of times she actually started contracting and we thought we were on our way! Alas, no kid. So, for the time being, she's busy around the house chasing after Dude.

The Dude (Dad should pick up on that reference...) is ever growing and ever learning. He's walking, almost running and quasi-jumping. You'd just have to see it for yourself really. I couldn't do it justice on here. He's learning more words, how to stack bigger towers, all his body parts and how to whine in the most pathetic of ways. (His lower lip routine he gets from his mom!)

I'm still working in the TV bidness and getting a steady paycheck every two weeks. Which is a very good thing seeing as my station's been through a number of layoffs since the economic downfall. Trying to increase my job security, I've been trying to get myself into many different roles throughout the station and get as good at them as I am with my primary role. It can be stressful, but I try to stay below the radar and keep doing a good job at the same time.

And Roxy is still... Roxy. Although, much to my embarassment, she's neglected much more since Dude came into this world. I can't imagine what she's gonna do once Cashew pops out. But she still seems to be happy around the house with Dude all over her. I really love watching the two of them interact with each other, it's so good for both.

Now that that's out of the way...

Since today's Valentine's Day, Dude decided to make his ladies some Valentine's and deliver. He's such a stud with the goils! I made breakfast for Zippy (complete with heart shaped strawberrys!) and then swept her off her feet on a romantic trip to Costco. This V-Day's just very low key. (Really?!) And yet, she still swoons over my romantic endeavors for her...

Hopefully, the next post will be great news about the birth. But don't hold your breath, chances are that the next post will be sometime in 2011...