
Utah's Backyard...

...is awesome.  In every sense of the word.  And it's also vast and varied, from desert to forest.  A 3 day camping trip to Zion National Park provided me with a great opportunity to see what my camera can do in "the wild".  While the real thing can never be beat, the XSi certainly gives you a pretty good idea!

How lucky are we that all this and more is right in Utah's backyard?!  As cool as this was, watching the boys play in it was just as cool!  That's next...

As always, more pics at The Cameramonkey.  See you over there!


Reality Sets In...

...and let's me know that I can't quite be as productive as I'd like regarding this blog and the Facebook page.  And I'm OK with that.  It's a pressure that I don't really want, because I want to enjoy this.

  But it has been a while, so let's see if I can catch up a bit...

  The family is doing just fine.  Zippy and I are back on the P90X workout / diet and it's just as hard as the first time we fail... uh... did it.  But we're doing it and making an effort to get into some sort of shape that isn't round. Dude is learning to read now, slowly, and he seems excited to be doing so.  He's also having a lot of fun with Football playing, wrestling, tickling, etc.  And Football is walking everywhere and getting into everything!  It's fun to come home and see his smile explode across his face as he turns and tries to run from me, begging me to chase him down and "tackle" him, which I'm happy to do.

  The photography has certainly slowed down as you've seen, or haven't seen actually.  Taking the DSLR everywhere with me as I shoot the news turns out isn't such a viable and doable plan as I had hoped.  I still carry it with me, but I just get so wrapped up in doing my paying job that I don't think about the still camera until I'm putting it back in the bag.  Plus, I'd like to start getting a bit more artsy with the shots instead of taking pics of the everyday drek.

  I'm such a photo-snob.

  And that's the reality on my planet!


Keep on...

...keepin' on.  And keepin' busy too.  It's nice, sometimes just how fast the week goes but I'd like to remember some of it, sometimes.  Other times?  Yeah, not so much.  But that's why I've got the camera.

I found myself at a field fire that quickly..

...was pushed along with 80mph winds...

...and just exploded all around me...

...into a wall of fire that just seemed to devour everything.

Meanwhile, RSL finally got down to bidness and I'll be on the pitch with camera in hand for the televised games!  SWEET!!!

Futbol is walkin' around everywhere now...

...and is just so happy about it!

While Dude gets into marker fights with himself.  Like, totally man...

And with that, the day is done and there's always more to come.  Whew...

PS... don't forget The Cameramonkey on Facebook!  There's more pics up now!