

...and here we go. Again. This is getting ridiculous.

But after a fortunate "requisitioning" on my part (the tablet or over-compensating phone-thingy my fingers are trying to clack away on...) I'm wondering if I should try my hand at this crap yet again. For the 11ty-7th time. After saying, essentially, the same thing 3 years ago. And failing.

Interesting enough, this blog still exists and I can still log into it. After 3 years of doing nothing! I thought accounts like this amount of inactivity deleted themselves? But, to my surprise, here I am again. NOT blogging. And, as I've stated several times before, Imma try this shit again. Cause it IS a good place to get these thoughts outta my head.

Time will tell. As in, it'll probably be another few years when I "update" this blog again...