
Words With "Friends"...

...is a stooped game. Really. STOO-PID.

What kind of friend do you wanna play, or play against, in a word game where one of you is gonna get hammered 6 feet under?! And it's not like you, or your opponent, actually knows these ridiculously complex words.

Oh Hell no.

It's that the player gets so damn lucky on the placement of the word that they only really have to exert the bare minimum and be rewarded with 11ty-7 points and the key to some city.

"ZIT" for 50 billion. Oh, charming and enlightening. ...ugh... Shoot me now. Besides, I'm only getting 9 points for "THAT"... if I'm lucky.

*inhales* Breathe sloooowly... Aaaaand rant over. [/rant]

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